September 27, 2017


Classic Example of Value Investing

A Bajaj group company Maharashtra Scooters (MSL) is a classic case of value investing. This company earlier use to make Priya scooters. As scooters went out of fashion this company closed its entire operations. The company being a Bajaj group company has been cross holding shares of other Bajaj companies like Bajaj Finance, Bajaj Auto, Bajaj Finserve, Bajaj Holdings and Bajaj Hindustan. Now if we ...
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What is Value Investing

All investing is value investing. What is investing if not an attempt to buy something for less than its worth? - Warren Buffet Benjamin Graham. (Famously know as Warren Buffet’s mentor) introduced the concept of value investing later. He authored the well known books "Security Analysis" and "The Intelligent Investor" According to him every asset has its intrinsic value (true value / Fair value / ...
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Margin of Safety

The three most important words while investing. High risk and high return is the idea of past. This has changed to low risk and high returns. The margin of safety is basically the cushion that you want in an investment opportunity. We often say a lot of juice is still remaining in a particular asset/deal/business. It is nothing but an opportunity having high margin of ...
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  • Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
  • We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy
    only when others are fearful.
  • Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long
    time ago.
  • Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.